Welcome to my AS media coursework blog

Throughout this blog you will get the opportunity to view my progress throughout the course and see my plans, sketches, final products and everything else which contributes to my coursework.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Photographs for front cover and contents page of school magazine- Preliminary Task 29/09/10

I took a range of images with the intention to choose at a later stage which images will be on my final production. For my main image I chose to make the picture longer than a medium close up because then I would have had mroe flexibility when it came to editing my photograph. The image of the corridor is what I intent to use as the background for my magazine front cover. The rest of the images that i select to use, I will use on the contents page to link with the relevent stories. 

Medium close up

Medium shot- Which I intend to cut to size for m main image

I could use this image as the main image for my contents page

This picture will be for my story of ID Tags

This will be used for my background image

This will be used as part of my Results feature

This could be used as the image for my healthy eating feature

This could be used as the image for my story on new uniform

This image can be used for my 'Make Up Debate' article

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