Welcome to my AS media coursework blog

Throughout this blog you will get the opportunity to view my progress throughout the course and see my plans, sketches, final products and everything else which contributes to my coursework.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Production of school magazine contents page

Here are some screen shots my creating my contents page:
 To start I cut out the title from my front cover using Paint. This was to ensure that it was exactly the same title. I also created the word 'Contents' in photoshop so that I could have to same font and look on my contents page. I then added Images to my contents page. For the image of my ID tag, I had to cut out the image and add a cyan background to make the image look more professional. I was not sure where I wanted to place my images until I had added my text.

Next I added Mt text and headings to my contents page. At first I struggled to find good colours to use for the text of my headings but i chose a colour similar to my title. I thought this did not look too good and dealt with the issue later. To create my text I used the text tool on 'Quark XPress'. This had the same font as my title so I decided to keep the font constant throughout. I then moved my images to a suitable place.

Finally I added page numbers to my images which relate to the page numbers of the stories. I also added a black box behind my headings.

The changes that I made to the contents page from my plans are:
  • I made the background of my contents page cyan
  • I changed the positioning of my images due to how they fitted in with the text
  • I left a small space at the edge of my contents page because in my plans i made it stretch to each side of the page.
  • I added page numbers to teh smaller images in my contents page
  • I added a coloured banner behind my headings

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