Welcome to my AS media coursework blog

Throughout this blog you will get the opportunity to view my progress throughout the course and see my plans, sketches, final products and everything else which contributes to my coursework.

Friday, 8 October 2010

Final production of front cover and contents page - Preliminary Task

 After creating the sketches for my Front cover and contents pages I had to create them. I tried to follow my original plans but there where a few aspects that I had to change. Below is my final product with the sketch underneath:

Whilst creating my front cover, the aspects that I changed from my plan were as follows:
  • Where my issue number was placed changed-due to the colouring of the mise-en-scene
  • There I positioned my tag line changed-Again, due to the colours of the mise-en-scene
  • I made one of my cover stories anchor text because my original plans did not follow the codes and conventions of magazine front covers because I had no anchor text.
  • The shape around the price bubble was more suitable and 'professional looking' with a circle shape instead of a spiked shape
  • I repositioned where abouts my cover lines where positioned due to the mise-en-scene
  • I added colour to my final product because although I did not plan colour in my sketch, I had already chosen a colour scheme of blue shades earlier in my planning

And here is the Final product and sketch of my contents page:

Whilst creating my contents page, the aspects that I changed from my plan were:
  • I did not stretch my title and subheading of 'contents' all the way to the sides of the page
  • I added an image of my front cover to the top right hand corner of teh contents page
  • I left more spaces in between my main image and titles/headings which shown background colour
  • I moved my image of my ID Tag to the bottom of the page because when it came to creating my piece this is where it fitted better
  • I added colour to my final production, again-following my earlier plans with shades of blues

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