Welcome to my AS media coursework blog

Throughout this blog you will get the opportunity to view my progress throughout the course and see my plans, sketches, final products and everything else which contributes to my coursework.

Sunday, 2 January 2011


There was a problem with the publishing of my video on question five, therefore, it is not straight, this does not afftect the viewing or listening of the video, it just looks slightly unusual.

For a full screen view of my evaluation please use the link below then use the full screen button:


Audience feedback

For my audience feedback I created a questionnaire. Below is my questionnaire and also my questionnaire results and conclusions.

1.What do you think about the title of my magazine- both the colours and the name?
2. How do you feel about the images throughout my production?
3. Do you think my production would look good alongside already established magazines on the shelves of  
large supermarkets?
4.What do you think about my coverlines? Do they interest you?
5. Is my contents page easy to follow?
6.Are my stories on my contents page exciting or do you feel that you would not want to read some of them?
7. How do you think I have attracted my target audience?
8.Do you think my double page spread looks exciting and interesting?
9. Do you think that the story in my double page spread is well written and suitable to the target audience or not?
10. How do you feel about the fonts that I have used in my production?
11. Do you think the editor letter sounds interesting and makes the magazine sound exciting?
13. Does the band that I have interviewed appeal to you as a reader and music fan?
14. Do you think that the magazine is worth the price that I have charged?
15. Do you think my tagline represents my magazine well?

Production of DPS

Here I previously edited my images in photoshop, the same
way that I edited my pictures for my front cover image-using
the lassoo tool then adding a different background. I chose to
use a side angle for my image because it was original and looked
appealing. The colours follow a colour scheme and suite the style
of writing of my piece. I drew a black square then added the different
coloured pictures into each quarter. The bottom right is for the band

Next, I added my heading. I used a black background colour and
a yellow heading to suite the colour scheme.

This is the text tool which I used to add my
heading and also the band title in the bottom
right hand box.

Next I added my stand first, I made sure it was exciting to draw
in my audience. I also but a yellow background so that my
standfirst stood out.

Next  I imported my text by right clicking.

Here I am selecting the text which I want to import-which is
 my article

I did this so that I could word process
my article to ensure there were no spelling mistakes or missing
punctuation. I also added a drop cap to follow codes and
conventions of double page spreads.

I had to use the linking tool to link together
my columns. This allowed my text to overflow
into the next column. 

Next, I added drop quotes to my article. I had to ensure that
the drop quotes were symnmetrical so that I followed codes
and conventions of double page spreads. 

Here I have kept the same text but I have deleted my main image,
I have also changed the font of my heading, I also took a picture
which I previously added to my original double page spread to
the bottom of the page. 

Here I have added a main image with a horse. This relates to the
band name because a palomino is a horse and it also refers to the
word 'trot' in the title.

This is me cutting out a horse image, I cut out a number of images
so that I could try out many different images in my production of
my double page spread.

Here I used the original double page spread which I used
and added a faded horse into the background

Here I have changed the font of my title, so it is the same as on
their business cards and other merchandise, I also changed the
positioning of the three men. I also changed the position of the
horse and duplicated, then flipped it.


Production Of contents Page

I had to copy the title of my magazine and edit the
word IN-D  and change it to contents. I done this to ensure that the
 colours and style of the effects remained the same. I also
added a black box behind the word 'contents so that I
 could Put it straight into my contentspage as an image on Quark Xpress

Here I have saved the title IN-D as a JPEG file and imported
it into Quark XPress using a picture box.

Here I have added frames for the layout of contents page using
picture boxes filled with a black background colour and I used
the word 'Contents' from my first screen grab and imported it as
 a JPEG into a picture folder.

Here I have added my main headings to my title page. The
red and black follow my colour scheme and the font follows
 my production plan

Here I have added my content. I used
a larger font for the numbers so that they stood out and I also
wrote a brief description for my stories and articles.

Here I have added my subheadings. I have put these in red
so that they stand out. The subheadings also make the contents
page easier to follow and understand.

Here I have added my editors letter. I have put this in black and
white to follow my colour scheme. The letter is fun and suitable
for my target audience.

Here I have added the images onto my contents page. I imported
the images into a picture box which I fitted into the frames
that I had earlier made from black lines.

Here I have added numbers to the images. I ensured that the
images related to the articles with the numbers on and that you
could clearly see the number. To do this I added a white box
behind each number.

Here I changed the layout ofmy contntes page because
 I felt that my contents page was too 'text heavy'. I used the
same images, fonts and colours and simply filmed the layout. 

Here I put my pictures back in again. I also changed some
of my images so that my contents page looked brighter and
more interesting.

In order to make my images a suitable size
I had to resize them on photoshop using
cntrl and T and then I had to crop the image
using the crop tool above.

Here I have added the content back into my piece. I also
added more headings so that my contents page looked more
easy to read. The layout is much more clear.