Welcome to my AS media coursework blog

Throughout this blog you will get the opportunity to view my progress throughout the course and see my plans, sketches, final products and everything else which contributes to my coursework.

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Camera Shots 24/9/10

During this lesson we learnt about different camera angles. This will be useful for when we come to take pictures to use as part of our coursework pieces. The images were only a rough guide to ensure that camera angles were fully understood. We recieved a list of pictures that we should have took and were given around twenty minutes to take them.Below are the images that we created along with the brief of the shot that we were meant to take:
Close up of Nature
Close up of the Time
Over the shoulder shot of somebody writing
Close up of someone on the phone
An image which connotes Friendship
An image which connotes stress
A low angle medium close up
Medium shot
Extreme long shot which displays isolation

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